Alfonso Ozores (Vilagarcía de Arousa, 1967) has just been appointed as the new manager of the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona. Linked to the world of sailing from a very young age, when he began sailing with his father, Ozores has intertwined his sports nautical curriculum with different studies and work experiences in the business world.
At the age of 5 he got on a sailboat for the first time and at 8 he began to compete, first in Optimist and later in Snipe. With maturity he took his first steps in the great regattas, even representing Spain in several European and World Cups.
He participated in several editions of the Copa del Rey, the Príncipe de Asturias Trophy, the Conde de Gondomar and is currently part of one of the 6m crews that compete in the Spanish 6m Circuit. He was commodore of the Real Club de Regatas de Galicia, is a judge for the Royal Galician Sailing Federation and skipper of pleasure boats and yachts.
After having studied at the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas ICAI ICADE, he specialized in the management of sports entities, pursuing an MBA in Sports Management. Before his arrival at the Baionese club, he held various managerial positions in different international companies.
From now on, the Monte Real Club de Yates will work under the guidelines of the board of directors directed by José Luis Álvarez with the aim of improving the services that the club offers its members and visitors in Baiona. Its route plan also establishes the strengthening of the strategic lines of the club, which are the promotion of nautical tourism, the organization of sports competitions and training through the Sailing School.
The queen event of the Monte Real Club de Yates managed to successfully complete the planned test program this year, maintaining a close fight until the end in practically all the participating classes
After three intense days of regatta in Baiona, Magical, Cachete, Deep Blue 2.0, Chispa Nejra, Lacazán, Okofen and Tutatis Gestilar are the winners of the thirty-fifth edition of the Príncipe de Asturias
The awards ceremony, which was held at the club in Baiona, put the finishing touch to the most anticipated event of the cruise season in Galicia
The Prince of Asturias Trophy put an end to its thirty-fifth edition this Sunday, and it did so by fulfilling the scheduled test program in each and every one of the participating categories. The event organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates and the Naval School of Marín with the sponsorship of Abanca thus closes with great success one of the most anticipated editions after a reduced regatta season due to Covid 19. The final victory this time went to Magical, Cachete, Deep Blue 2.0, Chispa Nejra, Lacazán, Okofen and Tutatis Gestilar.
Award ceremony of the Prince of Asturias Trophy – Photo Lalo R Villar
Nacexa-class ORC 2
In the Nacexa ORC 2 category, which this Sunday started the final day with up to six teams fighting for the top positions, Julio Rodríguez’s Magical, who sails with Gonzalo Araújo as tactician and under the banner of the Real Club Náutico de Vigo, sealed the final triumph in Baiona waters. This is also the second victory for Rodríguez’s team at Monte Real in the year of its debut .
Behind, the second place in the general was for the April Oils of Luis and Jorge Pérez Canal. The boat from Vigo went from less to more during the three days of regatta until achieving the second definitive position with a point advantage over the third classified, the also Vigo Pairo 8. The team led by Luis Bugallo improved its results day by day until it managed to get on the podium on the final day of the thirty-fifth edition of the Príncipe de Asturias.
Magical crew winner of the ORC 2 class and the Juan Sebastian Elcano Award – Photo Lalo R Villar
Class Oils April ORC 3
In Aceites Abril ORC 3 there were no changes after the dispute of the fifth and sixth races and Fran Edreira’s Cachete was proclaimed the definitive seller this afternoon in its category. The Club Marítimo La Penela boat accumulated five partial victories in its locker and a third in the six races completed.
Second place was finally occupied by José Luis Alonso’s Antelope-Kahaway (Bahía de Gijón), four points behind Edreira’s boat and with a wide advantage of fourteen over Rui Amorín’s Milaneza, from Clube de Vela Atlántico, which was third in the final classification.
Fran Edreira’s Cheek, winner of the April Oils class ORC 3- Photo Lalo R Villar
Autesa ORC 4 class
In the Autesa ORC 4 division, Deep Blue 2.0 owned by Vicente Cid of the Real Club Náutico de Vigo achieved the most comfortable victory of the edition with a whopping fifteen points over the second classified boat, the local Unus owned by Luis García Trigo. Third place was occupied by La Burla Negra by Juan José Martínez Silva, representing the Club Náutico Castrelo de Miño.
Deep Blue winner of Volvo Autesa ORC 4 – Photo Lalo R Villar
Gadis ORC 5 and SH Robotics ORC Open classes
In Gadis ORC 5, José Rey’s Chispa Nejra, who sails under the banner of the Club Náutico de Beluso, did not forgive and scored the partial victory again, thus proclaiming himself the winner of the Prince of Asturias Trophy ahead of Iñaki Carbajo’s Santiago Roma Rías Baixas , also from the Nautical Club of Beluso. Those from Carbajo, who were third yesterday, today managed to climb to the second final position, tying on points with the third-placed team, Carlos Lourido’s Travesío La Riviere Conservas, who haggles for the Real Club Náutico de Sanxenxo.
The crew of the Chispa Nejra winner of the Gadis ORC 5 class – Photo Lalo R Villar
In the SH Robotics Open, Ignacio Pedrosa’s Lacazán (CN Sada) ousted the provisional leader by scoring the victory of the day and became the winner of the Baionesa event in his category. Second was finally the Albarellos of the Monte Real Club de Yates, which sails with Fernando Rey at the helm, and third was the Salseiro C of Manuel Blanco of the Real Club Náutico de La Coruña.
Lacazán, winner of SH Robotics ORC Open – Photo Lalo R Villar
Solventis J80 and Gestilar Ladies Cup classes
In the Solventis J80 category, the third and last day served for Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen to sentence the regatta to the top of the general classification. The Monte Real representative team had enough of two thirds and one fifth in the last three races to take victory with a one-point advantage over the second-placed team, Ignacio Camino’s Solintal of the Real Club Marítimo de Santander. In third place was occupied in this category by the crew of the Club Nautic S’Arenal, Dr. Chacartegui de Javier Chacartegui. The three teams stood out among the largest fleet in the regatta by achieving a wide advantage of more than fifteen points over the rest of the participants.
Javier and Jaime de la Gándara from Okofen winner of the J80 and the award for the best J80 of the season – Photo Lalo R Villar
In the Gestilar Ladies Cup class, the Tutatis Gestilar of the Real Club Náutico Puerto Pollensa with Pilar Casares at the helm managed to sentence the lead with a third and a first, definitively claiming victory in the event in Baiona. Behind, second place overall went to Marina Burriananova’s team, Sara Carmo’s Serralleiras, and Carmen Galdós’s Bouvento Gestilar (RCM Abra – RCS) finished in third place, thus assaulting the position it held until yesterday. the Erizana Gestilar by Marta Ramada (BB Douro).
Pilar Casares and her crew collecting the grand prize of the Gestilar Ladies Cup – Photo Lalo R Villar
The awards ceremony closes the 35th Prince of Asturias Trophy
The awards ceremony for the 35th Prince of Asturias Trophy put an end to a new edition of one of the most important events of the cruise season, reduced this year by the Covid 19 pandemic.
In addition to awarding the winners of the respective categories, during the trophy ceremony, the club also presented the Juan Sebastián Elcano special prize for the best boat in ORC 2 to 4, which went to Julio Rodríguez’s Magical; the Count of Barcelona Juan de Borbón award for the best ship with a Portuguese crew, which went to Yess Too by Rui Ramada; and the special Mary Woodward trophy for the best J80 of the season, for Javier de la Gándara’s Okofen. In addition, the boat in which the students of the Monte Real Adapted Sailing School sail received a special mention at the closing ceremony.
The awards ceremony was chaired by José Luis Álvarez, president of the MRCYB, and Ignacio Cuartero, Commander and Director of the Naval School, and was attended by Gabriel González, Director of the ABANCA Commercial Network; Enrique Costas, General Manager of Terras Gauda; Javier García Valcárcel, president of Gestilar; Pablo Moro, managing partner of Solventis; Francisco Plaza, director of the Parador de Baiona; Francisco Javier Sumay, manager of SH Robotics; Joaquín Martínez, Manager of Volvo Autesa; Jorge Pérez Oil Channel April; Pablo Abejas, CEO of Nacexa; Manuel Villaverde, president of the Royal Galician Sailing Federation; Gorka Gómez, Deputy for Sports; Ignacio Sánchez Otaegui, Commodore of Monte Real; Daniel Benavides, Head of the Provincial Sports Service, and Carlos Gómez, Mayor of Baiona.
This thirty-fifth edition of the Prince of Asturias Trophy was sponsored by ABANCA and had the collaboration of firms such as Bodegas Terras Gauda (sponsor of the National Sailing Awards), Gestilar (sponsor of the Ladies Cup), Solitium, TuyPan, Coca Cola, Martin Miller, Gadis, Solventis, Volvo Autesa, Nacexa, HOLA, Paradores, Vanguard, April Oils, Foxy, Onda Cero, Helly Hansen, Tac Tic and SH Robotics. The competition also had the support of the Xunta de Galicia, the Provincial Council of Pontevedra, the council of Baiona and the Royal Spanish and Galician Sailing Federations.
Monte Real Yacht Club Naval Military School
Magical Julio Rodríguez RCN Vigo 16.5 points
April oils Luis and Jorge Pérez Canal RCN Vigo 20 points
Pairo 8 Luis Bugallo RCN Vigo 21 points
Cachete Fran Edreira CM La Penela 8 points
Antelope-Kahaway José Luis Alonso Bay of Gijón 12 points
Milaneza Rui Amorín Atlantic Sailing 26 points
Deep Blue 2.0 Vicente Cid RCN Vigo 7 points
Unus Luis García Trigo MRCYB 22 points
La Burla Negra · Juan José Martínez · CN Castrelo de Miño · 27 points
Spark Nejra José Rey CN Beluso 2 points
Santiago Roma Rías Baixas Iñaki Carbajo CN Beluso 5 points
Crossing La Riviere · Carlos Lourido · RCN Sanxenxo · 5 points
Lacazán Ignacio Pedrosa CN Sada 3 points
Albarellos · Fernando Rey · MRCYB · 4 point
Salseiro C Manuel Blanco González RCN Coruña 6 points
Okofen · Javier de la Gándara · MRCYB · 14 points
Solintal Ignacio Camino RCM Santander 15 points
Chacartegui Javier Chacartegui CN Arenal 22 points