· The nautical portal of Unidad Editorial has been awarded the Mariano Aguado Prize for Communication at the Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards
· Under the coordination of Héctor Atienza and Alberto Mas, it is one of the most complete information platforms on the sport of sailing and the nautical sector that currently exist in Spain
· With an average of around half a million unique monthly readers, Nauta 360 is one of the key references to keep informed of everything that happens in the world of sailing
The Nauta 360 Editorial Unit’s nautical portal has been honored this year with the Mariano Aguado Communication Award from the Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards for its great contribution in disseminating the main news produced on the sport of sailing and nautical sector in Spain.
The jury that awards the awards has wanted to recognize the trajectory of Nauta 360 since it released moorings in 2011 under the umbrella of Editorial Unit (El Mundo, Marca and Expansión) to become one of the key references of specialized information in Spain.
Its nearly half a million unique monthly readers, with a percentage of 80-20 national and international, make Nauta 360 one of the platforms with the largest audience of Spanish nautical portals, who access it through the digital portal of Expansion, where it has a fixed section.
At the controls of the portal are Héctor Atienza and Alberto Mas, who focus their work on two lines of information: the most relevant sports news (Copa América, Ocean Race, Vendée Globe, Copa del Rey, Olympic sailing…) and the great news of the nautical market (products, events, shows…), which they address with an editorial philosophy that seeks simplicity and clarity in the story.
Guidelines that have been maintained since the “Náutica” supplement of the newspaper El Mundo was created in 2004, a pioneer in the general media in Spain and the seed of what, after various evolutions, is now Nauta 360.
The journalist Alberto Mas, one of the portal’s coordinators, will be in charge of collecting the award at a gala to be held on September 7 at the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona.
· The current world champion in the women’s Hansa 303 class adds a new distinction to her extensive sports resume that includes several national, European and world titles
· The 47-year-old Mallorcan has been distinguished as the best sailor of the year after standing on the podium in 2018 of the Spanish Championship, the Spanish Cup, the European Championship and the World Cup
· On September 7, the sportswoman from the Puerto d’Andratx Sailing Club will collect one of the eight Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards that will be presented in Baiona
Majorcan sailor Violeta del Reino, world champion in the women’s Hansa 303 class, adds a new distinction to her extensive resume of sporting successes after being recognized as best sailor of the year by the Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards.
The jury that awards the prestigious awards wanted to reward her for the four podiums achieved in 2018, the year in which the gold medal of the Spanish Championship, the Spanish Cup, the European Championship held in Kiel (Germany) and the bronze of the world championship disputed in Sheboygan (USA).
Violeta del Reino, Terras Gauda National Sailing Award for best sailor of the year
Of Venezuelan origins, parents from Madrid and settled in Mallorca for years, Violeta suffered from an idiopathic cavus foot condition from a young age that later led to scoliosis problems in her back. At the age of 14 he had to undergo a triple arthrodesis, but his functional diversity never prevented him from setting numerous sporting challenges, which he has been facing since he started sailing at the age of 20.
His beginnings in sailing were lived in the Puerto de Andratx Sailing Club, for which he still sails today; and her good work took her to the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games, in which she achieved an Olympic diploma competing in Skud18 together with Sergi Roig.
In 2017 he achieved his first world championship in the Hansa 303 class, to which he also added gold in the Spanish Cup and silver in the European Championship. In this 2019 he has won the World Cup held in Cádiz, the Spanish Cup and the Spanish Championship. He also achieved third place in the European held in Austria.
The finishing touch to a spectacular season will be on September 7 at eight in the afternoon in Baiona when she collects the Terras Gauda National Sailing Award for the best sailor.
The Galician J80 Championship of the year 2019 will be held in the waters of the Bay of Baiona on August 31 and September 1, 2019, organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates (MRCYB) by delegation of the Royal Galician Sailing Federation (RFGV) .
The regatta will be governed by:
to. The rules as defined in the World Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing 2017–2020 (RRV).
b. J80 class monodesign regulations and their special adaptations of the J80 Galicia Fleet[DP] .
c. WS Appendix Q (RRV) adapted to this Championship
d. RFGV Competition Regulations.
and. The infraction of the Rules in AR and IR of this event indicated as[NP] It will not be a reason for protests between ships. This modifies Rule 60.1(a) RRS.
F. The infraction of the Rules in AR and IR of this event indicated as[DP] indicates that your penalty may be lighter than disqualification if the protest committee so decides. The abbreviation for the discretionary penalty imposed pursuant to this instruction shall be[DPI] .
g. The penalty for infractions of the IR indicated as[SP] they will be fixed, without hearing and imposed by the Race Committee, in the most recently completed race, applied as indicated in Rule 44.3 RRS (modifies Rules 63.1 and A5 of the RRS).
2.1. Participants must meet the eligibility conditions reflected in Regulation 19 of the WS and in the Prescriptions of the RFEV to said Regulation.
2.2. Participants of nationality or with legal residence in Spain or who compete in boats attached to a Spanish club, must be in possession of the sports federation license for the year 2019. For foreign athletes who do not have a federative license or sports medical insurance that insures them in the event of an accident, they must prove that they have valid accident and illness insurance in Spain.
2.3. The Championship is considered Open, but only the boat whose crew members hold a federative license issued by the Royal Galician Sailing Federation will be eligible for the title of Galician Champion.
3.1. Participants may display advertising in accordance with the provisions of WS Regulation 20.
3.2. The Organization may require the participants to display the sponsor’s publicity in the form that is convenient and that will be provided to them before the regatta, not being able to manipulate or modify said material under any circumstances.
3.3 Those responsible for each participating boat grant their authorization to the MRCYB so that any photograph, image or video of people or boats taken during the days of the regatta may be published in any medium, such as television advertisements, editorial comments, information , advertising, etc…
4.1. Boats of the J80 class that comply with the regulations of point 1 and all the requirements demanded in point 5 of this AR may participate. As long as each and every one of them is not fulfilled, their registration as a participant in the Championship will not be considered.
4.2. Owners and skippers must be members of the National J80 Class Association and be registered at http://www.j80measurement.com.
4.3. Skippers who are not owners must be in possession of Sailor Classification Grade 1. See following link:
5.1. Registration will cost €50 per boat, with the obligation to send or present the following documentation before August 28:
• Duly completed registration form.
• Updated boat insurance.
• 2019 federative licenses for all crew members.
• Proof of transfer of registration rights.
• Proof of payment of the J80 Class Association fee for 2019.
Submitted or presented in:
Mount Royal Yacht Club
Parador Enclosure, s/n, 36300 Baiona
Email: secretaria@mrcyb.com
phone + 34 986 385 000
The owner or person in charge of each boat must register and personally sign the registration form at the Regatta Office before 11:30 a.m. on August 31, 2019.
6.1. The competition will take place on the following days with this program:
6.2. No more than three tests per day will be sailed, except if the Regatta Committee deems it necessary to do so to complete the planned test program.
6.3. For the Championship to be valid, at least three valid tests must be held.
7.1. It will be navigated in fleet format, in real time.
7.2. The routes to be carried out will be to the wind (windward / leeward) that will be specified in the IR
8.1. The responsibility of attending this regatta having previously updated its Measurement Certificate, measuring the material with which it is intended to participate, is exclusively the registered skipper.
8.2. The number of crew members on board may not be changed during the course of the Championship.
8.3. The safety of this regatta will be in accordance with the requirements of the official Class Regulations and adapted to the particular regulations of the J80 Galician Fleet.
8.4. All boats must be equipped with a VHF radio with channels 16, 71 and 72, as a minimum.
8.5. It will be the responsibility of the owner or skipper of each boat to comply with the legal regulations established for recreational boats, both in general and in particular for their government, dispatch and security.
9.1. The Low Score system described in Appendix A of the RRS will apply.
9.2. The worst test score from 4 or more valid tests held will be excluded.
Prizes will be awarded to at least the top 3 classified in the regatta, in addition to the RFGV accrediting plaque to the champion.
The image rights of the event belong exclusively to the Monte Real Club de Yates. Any advertising action that does not have the express authorization of the organizers is prohibited.
Participants in this Championship do so at their own risk and responsibility.
The MRCYB or any person or body involved in the organization of the event, reject any responsibility for loss, damage, injury or inconvenience that may occur to people or things, both on land and at sea, as a result of participation in the tests covered by this race announcement.
Attention is drawn to Fundamental Rule 4, Decision to Race, of part 1 of the RRS, which states:
“It is the exclusive responsibility of a boat to decide whether to participate in a test or to continue racing.”
· The crew of 420 from the Real Club Náutico de Vigo formed by Martín Wizner and Pedro Ameneiro will be awarded the Youth Team of the Year award
· The J70 Marnatura of the Vigo yacht built by the Freire family and led by Luis Bugallo will receive the Monotype of the Year award on September 7 in Baiona
· The Bribón Movistar (best boat), the Estrella Damm (best ORC boat), Diego Botín and Iago López Marra (best Olympic team) and the Galicia 93 Pescanova (sports project) are other prizes
Two of the Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards will go to the Real Club Náutico de Vigo this year, which the Monte Real Club de Yates will deliver in Baiona on September 7, coinciding with the celebration of the 34th Prince of Asturias Trophy.
One of them, the one that will recognize the best Youth Team of the Year, will be taken by the crew of 420 formed by Martín Wizner from Vigo (Vigo, 2001) and Pedro Ameneiro from Pontevedra (Pontevedra, 2001), after achieving the greatest successes for the Galician youth sailing in 2018.
In the last 8 international competitions in which they participated, the Wizner-Ameneiro tandem won 7 medals: three gold at the 2018 Fremantle (Australia) World Championship, at the 2018 Sesimbra (Portugal) European Championship and at the Vilamoura World Championship (Portugal) 2019; one silver at the European Championships in Athens 2017 and three bronzes at Lago di Garda (Italy) 2017, Newport (USA) 2018 and Vilagarcía 2019. A brilliant record in which only the podium of the youth world championship held in Poland escaped them, in which they were fifth.
Martín Wizner and Pedro Ameneiro in competition – Photo Joao Costa
After three years of continuous success, the crew announced this summer their separation as a team, but they will still receive one last award before they go their separate ways. In just 12 days, on September 7, the athletes from the Vigo nautical team and the Galician team, awarded scholarships at the Galician Center for High Performance in Pontevedra, will collect in Baiona the award that distinguishes them as the best youth team of the year.
They will share the stage with a fellow club crew, that of the J70 Marnatura, who will collect the award that distinguishes them as Best One Design of the Year for their great sporting career in 2018, the year in which they chained several great successes.
They won the World Cup held in Massachusetts (USA) and the European Championship held in Vigo in the Corinthian division, for non-professional crews; remaining sixth and third respectively in the general classification.
Two titles for a young crew that emerged from the Vigo quarry, put together by the Freire family and trained by Ero Pons; made up of Enrique Freire as tactician, Gerardo Prego and Alberto Basadre as trimmers and Jorge Lorenzo in the bow.
At the helm, leading the team, Luis Bugallo from Vigo who, at 24, is one of the most outstanding names in Galician sailing today, with a background in dinghy sailing, cruisers, one-designs and who has participated in numerous competitions at a national and international level, such as the youth Copa América, in which he competed with Spanish Impulse.
The crew of the Marnatura with Luis Bugallo at the helm – Photo María Muíña
After hearing the news, the young skipper was very pleased with the recognition he wanted to dedicate to the Freire family, without whom, Bugallo assured, the Marnatura project would not be possible. On September 7th they will add a new achievement in their career, that of having won the Terras Gauda National Sailing Award for the monodesign of the year for the achievement of the continental and world titles.
· In the year in which their silver jubilee is celebrated, the crew that placed Galicia on the international sailing map will receive the Terras Gauda National Sailing Award for the best sports project
The Galicia 93 Pescanova will be distinguished for having achieved a podium position in the Whitbread Round the World 93-94 with an entirely Spanish team led by Javier de la Gándara from Vigo
· The Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards will be presented on September 7 at the Monte Real Club de Yates, the place from which 25 years ago the Galicia 93 Pescanova left to make history
Javier de la Gándara at the helm of Galicia 93 Pescanova – Photo: Dury Alonso Archive
The gala of Premios Nacionales de Vela Terras Gauda will pay tribute next September 7 in Baiona to the Galicia 93 Pescanova, the boat that 25 years ago placed the Galician community on the international sailing map after achieving a podium position in the Whitbread Round the World 93-94.
Five decades after that feat, the team led by Javier de la Gándara from Vigo will receive a distinction for the best sports project at the Monte Real Club de Yates, the club that saw him leave Galicia to make history.
This is a new and well-deserved recognition for a major project that marked a before and after for sailing in Spain and for a crew that managed to conquer the seas aboard a WOR60 known as ” the flying fish” .
The boat, designed by Bruce Farr and built at the Armada de Vigo shipyards, brought together 16 sailors, 7 of them Galician, under the command of De la Gándara. Chuny Bermúdez from Coruña, Jaime Arbones, Marcos Iglesias, Juan Zarauza and Ñaco Eraso from Vigo, and Carlos Sampedro from Baiona; Barcelonans Jan Santana, Joan Vila, Nando Muñoz and Guillermo Altadill joined; Pichu Torcida and Toño Piris from Santander; Victor Unzueta from Cadiz, Paco Fernández from Alicante and Santi Portillo from Malaga.
Galicia 93 Pescanova, Terras Gauda National Sailing Award – Photo : Dury Alonso Archive
With the encouragement of the Galician Sailing Federation, the institutional support of the Xunta de Galicia through the Xacobeo and the sponsorship of Pescanova, on May 7, 1993, the launching of the ship was held in Vigo, with the Infanta Cristina as godmother. who would participate in the Whitbread Round the World 93-94. Days later, the Galicia 93 Pescanova left the Monte Real Club de Yates for La Rochelle to take part in the Tour of Europe, which it won; and later in the Fastet Race, where they achieved the first victory for Spain in the legendary regatta. They were “training” for his great goal, which was to win the world tour.
On September 25, from Southampton, the starting point of the sixth edition of the race, they began to forge the legend. Until then, Spain had only participated in a trip around the world on 3 occasions (with the Licor 43 in the 81-82 edition, with the Fortuna Lights in 85-86, and with the Fortuna Extra Lights in 89-90), but this was the first time he did it with an entirely Spanish project, with Spanish sponsorships and crew, which would manage to get on the podium.
Galicia 93 Pescanova – Photo : Dury Alonso Archive
Ahead, almost 32,000 miles that meant an adventure, or “madness” as many branded it. They finished the first stage in second place, in the second stage they suffered delamination of the ship’s hull, and despite the fact that some gave it all up for lost, they continued. They fell to fourth place in the classification and in the fifth stage they managed to climb to third position, in which they would finally finish the test.
They made history. And the Galicia 93 project will remain forever in the memory of sailing enthusiasts. His impact, both sporting and social, was immense and his tribute, 25 years later, more than deserved. They will receive it in Baiona, on September 7, at the Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards gala, which is held within the framework of the 34th Prince of Asturias Trophy organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club and the Military Naval School. They will receive the award for the best sports project.
· The Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards reward the Cantabrian-Galician tandem for being one of the most outstanding crews in Spanish Olympic sailing
· Both currently occupy seventh place in the 49er world ranking and are one of the most promising assets for the upcoming Tokyo 2020 Olympics
· The Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona will present the awards on September 7 at a special gala that will coincide with the celebration of the 34th Prince of Asturias Trophy
The Cantabrian-Galician tandem formed by Diego Botín and Iago López Marra has just added a new distinction to their great sporting career. The jury that awards the Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards has decided to distinguish it with the Best Olympic Team award for being one of the most outstanding crews in Spanish Olympic sailing.
In 2016 both represented Spain in the 49er category of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, although they did not manage to get on the podium; and his team is one of the most promising assets for the upcoming Tokyo 2020 Olympics, an aspiration they are already working on.
With their sights and efforts focused on the Japanese event, Botín and Marra continue chaining awards and distinctions. One of the most outstanding was achieved in 2018 in Gdynia (Poland), when they climbed to the top of the 49er European podium. It was the second time that they managed to hang the gold from a European after the victory achieved in 2016.
In this 2019 they recorded their names again in the honor roll of the European held in the English city of Weymouth, although they had to settle for the bronze medal.
Santander Diego Botín, 25 years old; and Sonense Iago López Marra, born in Portosín (Galicia) in 1990; They achieved their first medal together in 2012 at the Palamós Christmas Race (Girona), in which they competed together. Two years later, in 2014, they met again and began to dream of the Olympics, a project that, after a year and a half of work, would bear its first fruits in 2016, with their participation in the Rio de Janeiro Olympics, in which they were ninth.
Currently, from their seventh place in the 49er world ranking, they train with the national 49er coach Pepe Lis and compete to qualify Spain for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. They will try to make it in the World Cup in New Zealand and if they make it, they will still have to earn to be the ones competing in the games.
The Cantabrian-Galician tandem formed by Diego Botín and Iago López Marra
Both have been linked to sailing all their lives in different ways. Diego’s ties to sailing come from his father Gonzalo, a prize-winning shipbuilder; and his uncle Marcelino, a prominent naval designer. He started sailing at the age of 7 encouraged by his father and managed to be runner-up in the Optimist Europe, l’Equipe European Champion, and 49er Junior World Champion with Pablo Turrado.
Also from a very young age Iago began to become familiar with sailing, a qualified naval engineer. He did it through the Real Club Náutico de Portosín, where he was born, where he sailed in Optimist, 420, 470 and finally 49er. He did not forget either the great lengths, in which he competed in different crews. He is currently one of the most prominent Galician sailors on the national scene.
· On September 7, they will receive two of the Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards in Baiona, which will be awarded as part of the 34th Prince of Asturias Trophy of the Monte Real Yacht Club.
· The Bribón Movistar led by King Juan Carlos will be awarded for his sporting career in 2018 when he won the title of European Champion at La Trinité and won the Copa del Rey
· The DK 46 Estrella Damm made up by Nacho Montes and Óscar Chaves and skippered by Olympian Luis Martínez Doreste will receive the award for its victory in the 2018 Copa del Rey
The Bribón Movistar and the Estrella Damm will receive this year two of the Terras Gauda National Sailing Awards that will be delivered on September 7 in Baiona within the framework of the 34th Prince of Asturias Trophy organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club.
The 6 meter led by King Juan Carlos, has been distinguished with the prize for the best boat of 2018 after achieving the title of European Champion in La Trinité (France) and winning the Copa del Rey 2018.
Some victories that the emeritus monarch signed hand in hand with a crew that remains unchanged for much of the 6m season, and that includes Pedro Campos, Jane Abascal, Alberto Viejo and Roi Álvarez.
The Bribón Movistar, also known as “Gallant”, is a 6-meter designed by Arvid Laurin, built at the Batbyggeri Neglinge shipyard in Stockholm, launched in 1947 and acquired by José Cusí in March 2016, when Don Juan Carlos began to compete with he.
His greatest victory was achieved in Vancouver (Canada), where in 2017 he won the World Championship in the classics division. A title that the team managed to defend this year in Hanko (Finland).
Another of the awards that will be presented on September 7 in Baiona will be the Terras Gauda National Sailing Award for the best ORC boat of the season, which will receive the Estrella Damm from shipowners Nacho Montes and Óscar Chaves for their sporting career in 2018.
Last year, the DK 46 achieved victory in the ORC 1 class of the Copa del Rey, a title that it had already achieved on three previous occasions and that it managed to revalidate in 2019 in the last edition of the competition, held last month. of July.
Wearing pendants from the Real Club Marítimo y Tenis Punta Umbría and the Club Nàutic El Balís, and with the Olympian Luis Martínez Doreste at the helm as skipper, the Estrella Damm Sailing Team is made up of Toni Rivas, Gonzalo Infante, Arturo Montes, Ricardo Terrades, Nacho Montes, Roberto Molina, Nacho Murube, Tunte Cantero, Carlos Santacreu, Paco Montes, Álvaro Fernández, Adolfo López, Aleix Gelabert, Josemi Segura and Óscar Chaves.
The 34th Prince of Asturias Trophy will be held in the waters of the bay of Baiona and the Vigo estuary on September 6, 7 and 8, 2019, under the organization of the Monte Real Yacht Club and the Naval Regatta Commission of the Naval School Marine Military. The 34th Prince of Asturias Trophy is scoring for the Xunta de Galicia President Trophy and the 6M Spanish Cup Circuit.
1.1. The regatta will be governed by:
a) The regatta rules as defined in the
Sailing Regattas Regulation WS 2017 – 2020 (RRV).
b) Cruise Technical Regulations 2018-2020 and its
c) IMS Measurement Regulation.
d) Regulation of the ORC rating system.
and)[DP] International 6M class rules.
F)[DP] J80 class one-design regulation and its special adaptations of the J80 Galicia fleet.
g)[DP] Regulations of the MRCYB for monotype Figaro and HELLO! Ladies Cup.
i)[DP] Rules for classic and vintage boats JCH, from AGABACE.
i) Special rules for offshore regattas (OSR) of WS, category 4 (ORC) reduced, and the particular ones for J80 Galicia zone, Fígaros of the MRCYB and classic Agabace.
j) In the rules that govern this regatta, the notification[NP] refers to the fact that an infraction of this rule will not be a reason for protests between boats (modifies RRS 60.1(a)).
k) In the rules that govern this regatta, the notification[SP] “standard penalty” the race committee, or by the protest committee may apply a penalty without a hearing (modifies rule 63.1 and A5 of the RRS).
1.2 The official language of the regatta will be Spanish.
2.1 Participants must meet the eligibility conditions reflected in regulation 19 of the WS and in the prescriptions of the RFEV to said regulation.
2.2 Participants of nationality or with legal residence in Spain or who compete in boats attached to a Spanish club must be in possession of the sports federation license for the year 2019. For foreign athletes who do not have a federal license or athlete medical insurance that insures them in the event of an accident, they must prove that they have valid accident and illness insurance in Spain.
3.1 Participants may display advertising in accordance with the provisions of regulation 20 of the WS.
3.2 In accordance with regulation 20 of the WS, participants may be required to display advertising in the forward 20% of the hull on each side of the boat and on the sides of the boom, as well as possible advertising pennants in the backstay of each boat. All this will be provided at the regatta office once your registration is confirmed. Modifications to the stickers provided by the organizing committee are not allowed. If it occurs, the regatta committee may decree the penalties it deems appropriate.
3.3 The Monte Real Club de Yates reserves the right to demand the elimination or substitution of any type of publicity, message or image displayed during the celebration of the event of the boats or the equipment of their crew members, which does not comply with generally accepted moral and ethical standards (regulation 20 of the WS) or contravene the interests of the organizing club. This includes the celebration of the tests in the regatta field, in the club’s facilities or while it is available to the regatta committee.
* The owner or skipper of the boat with advertising will be asked to indicate or show the type of advertising that will be displayed during the celebration of the regatta, for the approval of the organizing committee.
4.1 Participation in this regatta is limited in ORC to cruisers with a single hull, with a length greater than 7.00 meters, with an ORC or ORC club certificate valid for 2019 and with a GPH of less than 780 s/mile, and must have declaration of complete set of sails, including your spinnaker or gennaker. Those who do not have it declared may participate, but will be penalized with 25% of the real time they do in the regatta, as well as the ORC called Open by the organization, classic and vintage with updated JCH certificate, J80 monotypes and Figaro monotypes of the MRCYB with the female crews invited by the organization for the HELLO! Ladies Cup.
4.2 The skippers of the boats must be of legal age. The age of majority must be accredited by means of a photocopy of the DNI. In case of carrying minors in the crew, they must have the corresponding written authorization from their parents or guardians.
The responsibility of minors during the regatta falls to the skipper of the boat where they are embarked.
4.3 The following groups and classes are established:
(*) To participate in the ORC OPEN CLASS, the following requirements must be met:
• Standard boat. Not allowed for prototypes and sportboats.
• Bring dacron sails. High modulus fibers are not allowed.
• Only one furling headsail (jib or genoa) with functional furling.
• Two spies maximum.
• Carry the mooring in the anchor well or in the bow, and with a windlass.
• In any case, the regatta committee and organizing committee will have the power to include, at their discretion, in the ORC OPEN CLASS the boats they deem appropriate.
4.4 The regatta committee reserves the right to admit the entries, as well as to group the boats in the corresponding class or group.
4.5 To form a class or group, at least five boats must register in it.
5.1 The inscriptions will necessarily be formalized with the attached form and must be sent together with a photocopy of the valid measurement certificate 2019 and proof of payment of the registration fees to:
Mount Royal Yacht Club Parador Enclosure s/n 36300 Bayonne phone + 34 986 385 000 secretary@mrcyb.com
Any registration made after 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 5, 2019 will not be accepted.
5.1.1 The registration fees will be the following:
Vessels that have participated in all the MRCYB regattas of the year (Winter Comunica Trophy, Spring Repsol Trophy and 44th Count of Gondomar · Banco Sabadell Trophy) will obtain free registration for the 34th Prince of Asturias Trophy.
5.1.2 Payment of registration fees will be made in cash or by bank transfer to the name of Monte Real Club de Yates to the account:
It will be necessary to present, along with the registration form, the receipt of the transaction, including the name of the boat or sail number at the club offices or via email to secretaria@mrcyb.com.
5.2 Registration and confirmation of registration
5.2.1 The owner or person in charge of each boat must register and personally sign the registration form at the regatta office before 8:00 p.m. on September 5, 2019 (ORC, J80 and ¡HOLA! Ladies Cup) or on September 6, 2019 before 8:00 p.m. (ORC 4, 5, Open, 6M and Clásicos). Entries of boats that have made requests to the RFEV for the issuance or modification of their rating certificate after 6:00 p.m. the day before the start of the first race will not be accepted (except for a justified cause approved by the regatta committee).
5.2.2 The registration is conditioned to the presentation before the appointed time of the following documents:
a) Valid measurement certificate.
b) ORC habitability certificate (if applicable).
c) Current insurance policy, which covers civil liability (damage to third parties and property), or extension of coverage of civil liability and damage to third parties up to a minimum amount of 330,556.66 euros.
d) In case of displaying advertising, corresponding federal authorization.
e) Federation athlete license, original or photocopy (MANDATORY to submit along with the registration form).
6.1 The sports program of the event is as follows:
7.1 The trophy consists of a maximum of:
– 6 tests for ORC 0-1-2-3 and HELLO! Ladies Cup.
– 9 tests for J80.
– 4 tests for 6M.
– 2 tests for ORC 4-5, Open and Classics.
The trophy will be valid when at least one test is completed in the corresponding group.
7.2 The Sailing Instructions will detail the courses to be sailed.
8.1 There will be a classification for each of the groups formed.
8.2 Rankings for ORC groups or classes will be established in accordance with RTC rule 204 and specified in the Sailing Instructions.
8.3 Classic boats will race applying the JCH system.
8.4 The 6M, J80 and HELLO! Ladies Cup will qualify in real time.
Appendix A and the downward scoring system described in the RRS will apply.
10.1 Security and measurement controls may be carried out daily by the technical committee.
10.2 The responsibility of attending this regatta having previously updated its measurement certificate, measuring the material with which it is intended to participate, is exclusively the registered skipper.
10.3 In no class may the number of crew members on board be changed during the regatta.
10.4 Points 102.3 and 200.1.b of the ORC, referring to the minimum weight of the crew, will apply in this regatta.
11/ SAFETY [NP] [DP]
11.1 All boats must be equipped with a VHF radio with channels 16, 69, 71 and 72.
11.2 It will be the responsibility of the owner or skipper of each boat to comply with the legal regulations established for recreational boats, both in general and in particular for their government, dispatch and security.
The complete list of prizes will be displayed on the Official Notice Board during the regatta. At a minimum, prizes will be awarded to the top finishers in each of the groups ORC, 6M, J80 class, classics, HELLO! Ladies Cup, Conde de Barcelona Trophy for the best-ranked Portuguese crew in ORC according to the trophy regulations, as well as the Juan Sebastián Elcano Trophy for the winners of the ¡HOLA! Ladies Cup.
(*) The number of prizes for each class will depend on the number of registered in each of them. The complete list of prizes will be posted on the Official Notice Board during the regatta.
(**) The Regulations of the different Trophies will be available to the participants on the website of the Monte Real Club de Yates, in its section on the Príncipe de Asturias regatta:
The image rights of the event belong exclusively to the Monte Real Club de Yates. During all the days of regatta and in the social events there will be photographic and television coverage.
Royal Decree 62/2008 establishes the conditions of maritime safety, navigation and human life at sea applicable to nautical sports events.
Participants are warned that, before the start of the tests, the boats may only participate if they are legally dispatched to navigate the waters through which the test will take place, and if their skippers have sufficient qualifications for their government.
Participants must declare, adequately in advance of the start of the race, the insurance taken out, if applicable, including the risks covered and the limits of liability in accordance with the Notice of Regatta, being covered for participation in nautical races. -sports.
All those who participate in this regatta do so at their own risk and responsibility. Attention is drawn to Fundamental Rule 4, DECISION TO RACE, of Part 1 of the RRS which states:
“It is the sole responsibility of a ship to decide if he participates in a test or continues in a regatta”
The boats whose registration is accepted in this regatta will have a reserved and free mooring or anchoring place (mooring under the exclusive responsibility of the owner or skipper) during the celebration of the event, from September 1 to 14.
See attached map, which indicates the area reserved for participants.
The Monte Real Club de Yates reserves the right to assign berths to the boats in strict order of registration, depending on their size and draft.
The awards ceremony for the 34th PRÍNCIPE DE ASTURIAS TROPHY will take place at the club’s facilities on September 8, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. Any other social event scheduled during the days of the tests will be published on the Official Notice Board (TOA).
The General Secretary for Sport, José Ramón Lete Lasa, has just signed with the president of the Monte Real Yacht Club, José Luis Álvarez, the sponsorship contract by which the Xunta contributes a total of 9,000 euros to the entity for the activities of the Sailing School adapted for people with physical and mental disabilities.
After signing the agreement, both Lete and Álvarez assured that accessibility and inclusion must be priorities in sports practice, and that is why the Xunta and Monte Real join forces to fight for a sport “plural, diverse, without gender or age, for everyone, enriching society, transmitter of values, trainer, equalizer and engine of social change”, assured Lete Lasa.
“To achieve this sport we have to work day by day and join forces with all public administrations, Galician companies and society in general” , said the Galician president.
The General Secretary for Sport of the Xunta de Galicia described Monte Real as “an unbeatable partner” to achieve these objectives since -he recalled- the elimination of a large part of the club’s architectural barriers and the acquisition of adapted boats allowed it to become, in 2014, the only Spanish yacht club to receive a special distinction from the Association of Education Environmental and Consumer (ADEAC) for its work of social integration.
The MRCYB adapted Sailing School works throughout the calendar year and has been working continuously since 2012, being the only entity that carries out a program of these characteristics in the north of Spain.