The Monte Real Club de Yates will improve its facilities to welcome pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago by sea


· The club has requested a grant from the Consellería do Mar de la Xunta de Galicia through the FEMP and the GALP7 to be able to carry out a series of improvement works to provide a better service to pilgrims

· Among the actions planned is the construction of an access ramp for people with disabilities and the reformulation of various facilities to minimize energy consumption

· Other measures that are intended to be implemented involve the application of discounts to pilgrims who stop at the club within the framework of the Xacobean Nautical Crossing and a special discount for women


One of the objectives that the Monte Real Yacht Club has set for this 2018 is to improve its facilities in order to provide a better service to pilgrims who want to do the Camino de Santiago by sea within the framework of the “Xacobean Nautical Journey ” . This is a new proposal, promoted by the Xunta de Galicia and the Association of Galician Nautical Clubs (ASNAUGA), which offers sailing lovers the possibility of sailing the pilgrimage route to Compostela.

To complete it, there are two possibilities: a north route, which starts in Ribadeo; and a southern one, which begins in Baiona, at the historic Monte Real Yacht Club, chosen as the starting point for the Xacobean Nautical Crossing due to its long and prolific history in the Galician nautical scene, and because it also has the Q of Tourist Quality, an essential certification to be part of the initiative.

Despite being within the group of 13 Galician nautical clubs distinguished with the Q for Tourist Quality, the Monte Real Club de Yates seeks to improve the attention it pays to its pilgrim transits and for this reason has requested a subsidy from the Consellería do Mar de la Xunta de Galicia through the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (FEMP) and the Local Action Groups of the Fisheries Sector (GALP) to execute the actions.

With the planned works, the Monte Real Yacht Club intends to improve its facilities to welcome the flow of visitors with quality guarantees, while renewing certain services to achieve greater energy savings and responsible use of energy.

Among the actions scheduled are the construction of a 100% accessible ramp that guarantees access to the terrace for people with functional diversity and the renovation of the sanitary facilities, adapting them to responsible consumption and energy saving protocols.

Other measures that are intended to be implemented involve the application of a 15 percent discount on club fees to pilgrims who stop at Monte Real within the framework of the Xacobean Crossing, increasing that discount to 25 percent in the event that the patron of the boat is a woman and the inclusion of a visit to the Baiona fish market in the price of the mooring, with the aim of making all those pilgrims who wish to know this important economic activity of the fishing village.

The intention of the Baionese club is to take advantage of the launch of the proposal of the “Xacobea Nautical Crossing” by the Xunta de Galicia to renew its facilities and promote this new tourist product, attracting a new profile of visitors to Baiona and mitigating the tourist seasonality in which the summer and winter periods continue to be very different.

Likewise, Monte Real will favor the economic revitalization of the municipality, since it undertakes to carry out all the planned actions with local suppliers in the area, provided that the business fabric allows it.

“Hugo” forces the Infinitus Trophy final to be postponed


· The storm called “Hugo” that will begin to be noticed in Galicia from this afternoon forced the postponement of the last day of tests of the Infinitus Trophy

· This new explosive cyclogenesis will cause a storm of wind in much of the peninsula, bad state of the sea and widespread rains

· The final tests of the championship will be held on Saturday, April 14, along with the award ceremony for the winners and a fellowship dinner



The “Hugo” storm, which will begin to be felt in Galicia from this afternoon, has forced the last day of testing the Infinitus Rent Trophy, which was to be held tomorrow afternoon in the Bay of Baiona, to be postponed.

This new explosive cyclogenesis, which can already be seen clearly in satellite images, will cause a storm of wind in much of the peninsula, bad conditions in the sea and widespread rains, although not very intense.

Given this situation and the alerts issued by Meteogalicia, and after agreeing with the regatta committee, the Monte Real Club de Yates, organizer of the J80 championship, has decided to postpone the day and celebrate it on April 14. It will be then that the winner of the one-design winter league that the Baionese club has been celebrating since the beginning of the year will be decided.

Waiting for what happens in the last three tests, the classification is today very tight in the places of honor, which predicts an exciting final. The Portuguese crew of the Miudo, skippered by Afonso Leite; and the Okofen of Javier de la Gándara from Vigo, are in the lead tied on 13 points. Behind them, with 18 points, is Miguel Lago’s Virazón.

In addition to the last rounds of the competition, the awards ceremony for the winners will be held on April 14, at a fellowship dinner at the Monte Real Yacht Club.

Baiona prepares for the J80 Spanish Championship


· The Spanish Sailing Federation chose this year the Monte Real Club de Yates to organize the one-design national competition that will be held from May 27 to 1

· The Spanish J80 Championship will be held as part of the Repsol Trophy, the traditional spring regatta that the club from Baiona has been organizing for more than 40 years

· The entire J80 fleet of Monte Real will participate in a competition in which the arrival of crews from different parts of Spain is expected


This year the Spanish Sailing Federation chose the Monte Real Club de Yates to organize the J80 class Spanish Championship , which will be held in Baiona from April 27 to May 1. The competition will be part of the Repsol Trophy, the traditional spring regatta that the club from Baiona has been organizing for more than 40 years.

With the collaboration of the Galician Sailing Federation and the J80 Owners Association of Spain, Monte Real will hold a championship in which the participation of a large number of monotypes from all over the peninsula is expected, including the J80 that in the Currently they exist in Galicia, most of them from the Baion club itself and from the Real Club Náutico de A Coruña.

Although the competition is also open to foreign crews, only those whose members have, in its entirety, Spanish nationality or legal residence in Spain will be eligible for the title of Champion of Spain.

After a previous day, on Friday, April 27, reserved for the registration and weighing of the crews, and measurement and control of sails; the scheduled tests, a total of 11, will begin on Saturday, April 28, starting at 3 in the afternoon. They will have the Bay of Baiona as their setting, so they will be visible from the outskirts of the Galician town.

The sleeves of Sunday 29, Monday 30 and the holiday of May 1 will start in the morning, from 11. And on the last day, in the afternoon, the Monte Real Club de Yates will host the award ceremony for the winners, also coinciding with the end of the Repsol Trophy and its award ceremony.

The regatta announcement has already been published and the registration period to participate in the Spanish J80 Championship will remain open until April 12, and all the information about the competition is available on the Monte Real website, www.mrcyb. is





New section: The lockers of the Monte Real Yacht Club

From today our website has a new section, with a HISTORY OF POOLS where you can find all the newsletters that we have been publishing up to now. In case you have missed any or if you want to remember what happened in a certain month…

You can find them in the NEWS – NEWSLETTERS menu, or through the following link:



And if you want to receive them in your email once a month, you can subscribe by entering your email and your name below:

(We send a single newsletter per month, with all the news of the club)



The Spanish J80 Championship will be held in the waters of the Bay of Baiona, from April 27 to May 1, 2018, organized by the Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona, by delegation of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation and with the collaboration of the Galician Sailing Federation and the Association of Owners of J80 of Spain.






The regatta will be governed by The Rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRV) and:
– The RFEV Technical Cruise Regulations.
– The J-80 Class Rules[DP] .
– For all the rules that govern this event, the notation[NP] refers to the fact that an infraction of this rule will not be a reason for protests between boats. (Modifies R 60.1(a) of the RRS).
– Tests may be arbitrated. In this case, it will be done in accordance with WS Addendum Q.


Participants may display advertising in accordance with World Sailing Regulation 20, the RFEV Prescriptions to said Regulation and subject to the restrictions of Class Rules C2.1. In accordance with World Sailing Regulation 20, participants may be required to display the Organiser’s Publicity, which will be provided at the Regatta Office once their registration is confirmed. This will consist of stickers to be placed on the bows of the boat and flags to be placed on the backstay.


The J-80 Class Spanish Championship is a regatta closed to J80 class boats, classified as a Member event. Foreign crews may be accepted after requesting an invitation to the RFEV. The title of champion of Spain will be for the boat that has the entire crew made up of sailors of Spanish nationality or with legal residence in Spain. Employers must be members of their National J-80 Class Association and be registered at Spanish sailors, with legal residence in Spain or sailing on a boat attached to a Spanish Club must be in possession of the 2018 sports federation license. Registrations must be made before April 12, 2018, through the Registration Form or sent to:

The registration is conditioned to the presentation of the following documents:

a) Current RC insurance policy, in accordance with RD 607/1999 of June 16, and with a valid receipt, with extended coverage for regattas.

b) Participants of nationality or with legal residence in Spain, the current federative sports license.

c) For foreign athletes who do not have a federative license or athlete medical insurance that insures them in the event of an accident, they must prove that they have insurance against accidents and illness valid in Spain.

d) In the event of displaying advertising, authorization from the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation in accordance with the Prescription of the RFEV to regulation WS 20.8.2. (only boats with a Spanish flag or a foreign flag that represents or competes for a club affiliated to the RFEV).

e) Complete equipment control and weighing of crews in accordance with the class rule (C4.1)


Registration fees will be €250.00 and will be made by bank transfer, indicating the sail number of the boat and the Spanish J80 Championship.

Account number: 2080-0559-23-3040003658

4.2 The Organizing Committee reserves the right to accept registrations received after April 12. In case of acceptance, the registration fees will have a price of €300.00 per boat.


The event program is as follows:

Friday, April 27 – 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Registration of participants . Measurement and control of sails and equipment. Crew weighing. Delivery of Sailing Instructions

Saturday April 28 – 09:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Registration of participants. Final measurements. Crew Weighing

Saturday April 28 – 15:00


Sunday April 29 – 11:00


Monday April 30 – 11:00


Tuesday, May 1 – 11:00


Tuesday, May 1 – 16:00


Tuesday, May 1 – 16:30

farewell skewer

On May 1 there will be no warning signal after 3:00 p.m. There are 11 races scheduled, of which 2 must be completed for the regatta to be valid.


The registration of sails and equipment inspection, as well as the weighing of crews, will be carried out on the dates and times indicated in 5.1. The boats will present to registration the elements that are listed in their written declaration, which will be: 1 Mainsail, 1 Jib and 1 or 2 Gennakers. The sails must be measured according to the class rules before the event, carry the official sticker (rule G2.3) and be registered at No boat will be able to compete using the aforementioned sails without being previously registered. Daily measurement controls may be carried out.


Sailing instructions will be available at the race office from April 27 at 10:00.


RRS 44.1 is amended so that the Two Turn Penalty is replaced by the One Turn Penalty.


If 5 or more races have been completed, each boat’s total score will be the total of all its points, discarding its worst result.


Courses will be windward/leeward. More details will be described in the sailing instructions.


The boats whose registration is accepted in this regatta and that are not based in the MCY Baiona, will have a mooring place reserved in the Club during the event. Also, if they come by road, the launching and stranding included. The moorings will be free for up to a week after the end of the championship, and the boats may enter as far in advance as they deem appropriate, for which the means of transport and the day of arrival in Baiona will be indicated in the registration form.


The Race Committee will use Channel 69 VHF for its communications during the events. Except in emergencies, a boat while racing shall not make or receive data or voice transmissions that are not available to all boats. [DP]


By registering for this event, the participants automatically transfer to the Organizing Committee the image rights, recorded or filmed during the event, as defined by the Notice of Regatta and the Regatta Instructions, in perpetuity, being able to use them in any moment without the participants being able to request any compensation.


All boats participating in the regatta do so at their own risk and responsibility. The MRCY Baiona, the Organizing Committee, the Protest Committee, the Regatta Committee Committee and any other person or body involved in the organization of the event, expressly reject any responsibility for material or personal damage that may occur as a result of participation. in the tests covered by this notice of race. Attention is drawn to the Fundamental Rule 4 DECISION TO RACE, from part 1 of the RRS which states: “A boat is solely responsible for her decision to start or not to start or to continue in the race”


Each Participating Boat must have a current RC Insurance Policy, in accordance with RD 607/1999 of June 16, with extended coverage for regattas.



The program of events will be published in the TOA.


The following accommodations are recommended;
– Hotel Pinzon 986356046
– Hotel Carabela Pinta 986355107
– Hotel Announced 986356018
– Hotel Restaurant Escondidiño 986358205
– Hotel 3 Caravels 986 355441
– Hotel Bahía Bayona 986385004
– Ababides Apartments 600 43 06 12
– National Inn of Bayonne 986 35 50 00






The J80 Class Spanish Championship is included in the Repsol Trophy · Monte Real Yacht Club Spring Regatta .

Infinitus Rent Trophy: 5th day canceled

Given the warning of adverse weather phenomena with an ORANGE ALERT, the Infinitus Rent Trophy regatta committee has decided to suspend the fifth day of competition, scheduled for this Saturday, March 10.

The sixth and final day of the J80 championship will be held on Saturday, March 24, the day on which the award ceremony for the winners will also be held.

As of today, the classification is as follows:


1. MIUDO Afonso Leite We Do Sailing 13 points
2. OKOFEN Javier de la Gándara Monte Real Yacht Club 13 points
3. VIRAZÓN · Miguel Lago · Monte Real Yacht Club · 18 points
4. TIRED · Fernándo Yáñez · Monte Real Yacht Club · 28 points
5. MELTEMI · Guillermo Blanco · Royal Yacht Club of A Coruña · 31 points



8m : MRCYB in women

Today, March 8, for all women…

For those of before, for those of now, and above all, for those to come… we must continue writing lines in this history, which is ours. A story also in feminine…

Owners, patrons, sailors, sailors, committees, judges, officers, beacons, students, sailors… the world of sailing is full of women, great women, and we dedicate this video to all of them.


Royal Cork Yacht Club – Monte Real Yacht Club: Exchange agreement between clubs


The Monte Real Yacht Club and the Royal Cork Yacht Club (Ireland) have just signed an exchange agreement between clubs with the aim of promoting international tourism.

The commodore of the Monte Real Yacht Club, Fernando Yáñez, and his counterpart from the Royal Cork Yacht Club, Pat Farnan, were in charge of ratifying an agreement whose main objective is to strengthen relations.

The agreement will make it possible to promote joint actions related to international nautical tourism between Ireland and Spain, applying significant discounts to the members of both clubs on their visits to both facilities.

The Royal Cork Yacht Club is one of the most important yacht clubs in the world and is considered one of the oldest. It was founded in 1720 and is currently located in Crosshaven (Cork). Every year it organizes the biennial Cork Week, one of the most important sailing events in Europe, and its partners include renowned sailors and Olympic athletes.


In addition to the Royal Cork Yacht Club , the Monte Real Yacht Club has other correspondence agreements with:


  • Yacht clubs in Spain:




  • Sailing clubs abroad:







  • Nautical associations:







MRCYB members who want to know the conditions of correspondence agreements in order to benefit from their advantages can request information from the club secretary (986 385 000 /



The REPSOL Trophy – Spring Regatta will be organized by the Monte Real Yacht Club (MRCYB) with the sponsorship of REPSOL. This regatta will be the first scoring for the Rías Baixas Circuit of Cruceros A DOS.


It will be held in the waters of the Vigo estuary and the Bay of Baiona on April 28 and 29 and May 1, 2018.


The Regatta will be held in accordance with the provisions in force of the following regulations:

a) The “rules” as defined in the World Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing 2017 – 2020 (RRS).
b) The 2018 Cruise Technical Regulation and its annexes (RTC).
c) Respective regulations with the adaptations made by the MRCYB for this regatta, for the J70 and Figaro one-design classes.
d) The IMS and ORC 2018 Regulations.
e) World Sailing Special Rules for Offshore Regattas, Category 4 (ORC).
f) This Announcement of Race.
g) The Sailing Instructions that may modify any of the previous sections.


Participation in this regatta is limited to boats with an ORC International or Club certificate valid for 2018, whose GPH is less than 770 s/mile, as well as the J70 and Figaro monotypes.

Groups and Classes:
An ORC group is established that will be divided into classes, as well as those of the different monotypes:


Cruise (*) ORC
A Two (*) ORC
Special Open (**) ORC Cruise Non-competitive
J70 Class J70 Monotypes
Figaro Class (***) Figaro Monotypes

(*) In ORC Cruise and A Dos, in view of the registrations made and as soon as their effective participation in the regatta is verified, the Regatta Committee and Organizing Committee will establish the classes and their cuts seeking the greatest equity possible, not admitting claims in this regard.

(**) In the Special Open Class, only boats that are genuinely Without Level will be admitted in the class that are Cruisers and that do not have a minimum competitive capacity despite their size and GPH, as well as especially slow designs, very old, etc.

– In any case, the Regatta Committee and the Organizing Committee of the regatta will have the power to include, at their discretion, in the Open Class the boats they deem appropriate, not admitting claims in this regard.

(***) The Figaros, if they do not achieve the minimum number of 3 to compete as a one design, will race in ORC Cruise with an estimated GPH, no claims being accepted in this regard.

To form a class, there must be a minimum of 5 registered (except in Figaros, which will be a minimum of 3).

Monotypes will classify only in their class.


Participants must comply with the eligibility conditions reflected in Regulation 19 of World Sailing and the prescriptions of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation related to said regulation.

Participants of nationality or legal residence in Spain must be in possession of the sports federation license for 2018.


Participants may display advertising in accordance with the provisions of World Sailing Regulation 20 and the FGVELA Advertising and Competition Regulations.

Pursuant to World Sailing Regulation 20, participants may be required to display advertising on the forward 20% of the hull on each side of the boat (in J70 it will be specified in particular) and on the sides of the boom, as well as possible advertising pennants on the backstay of each boat. All this would be provided at the MRCYB race office once your registration is confirmed.

Modifications to the stickers provided by the organizing committee are not allowed. Violation of this IR will entail a penalty of 2 places in the test.

The Monte Real Club de Yates reserves the right to demand the elimination or substitution of any type of advertising, message or image displayed during the celebration of the event of the boats or the equipment of their crew members, which does not comply with the moral and ethical standards of general acceptance (Regulation 20 of the World Sailing) or contravene the interests of the organizing club. This includes holding races on the regatta course, at the club’s facilities or while at the regatta committee’s disposal.

The owner or skipper of the boat with advertising will be asked to indicate or show the type of advertising that will be displayed during the celebration of the regatta, for the approval of the organizing committee.

The participating owners and crews grant their authorization to the MRCYB so that any photograph, image or video of people or boats taken during the days of the regatta may be published in any medium, such as television advertisements, editorial comments, information, advertising etc.


Entries will necessarily be formalized on the official form (it accompanies this document and/or is available at
The registration fees will be as follows:

(*) The 50% bonus will be applied only to those who have also participated in the COMUNICA TROPHY – Winter Regatta.

In addition, every boat participating in each and every one of the following regattas:

Communicate Trophy
Repsol Trophy
Count of Gondomar Trophy

You will get free registration for the 33rd Prince of Asturias Trophy.

The registration rights must be made effective by means of a nominative check in the name of the Monte Real Club de Yates, transfer or payment made in the current account indicated below (indicating the name of the boat):

Account number: 2080-0559-23-3040003658

To be accepted, an application for registration must be submitted or submitted with the following documentation:

• Registration form duly completed and signed.
• Photocopy of the updated licenses of all the crew members of the ship.
• Valid ORC measurement certificate (ORC fleet only).
• Class Association annual fee payment certificate (J70).
• Photocopy of civil liability insurance and damage to third parties for a minimum coverage of €336,556 and coverage for all crew members on board, and policy extension for participation in non-professional regattas.
• List of security elements (depending on whether ORC or monotype) duly covered and signed.

The application for registration must have the approval of the Organizing Committee of the Monte Real Club de Yates.

The documents will be sent or presented by hand within the predetermined period in:

36300 BAIONA
Phone: + 34 986 38 50 00 Fax: + 34 986 35 50 61

The documents for registration are available on our website:

Final registration period:
The final registration period for the regatta will be April 27, 2018. In any case, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to extend said period.

Registration of participants:
Each owner or skipper must register and personally sign the registration form at the MRCYB Regatta Office before 12:30 p.m. on April 28, 2018.

Admission of Participants:
The registration of a boat will not be accepted if, before the time indicated in section 7.8, it does not present the documents specified in 7.4 at the Regatta Office or does not have the approval of the Organizing Committee.


On Sunday, April 29, no departure will be given for J70 later than 3:00 p.m., except if it is as a result of a general call.

On Tuesday, May 1, there will be no departure for ORC and Fígaros later than 2:00 p.m., except if it is as a result of a general call.

A maximum of 3 tests are scheduled for ORC and Figaros, as well as 6 for J70. The regatta will be valid when at least one test has been held and scored.

In J70 a maximum of 4 tests per day is established.

The Sailing Instructions may introduce variations in the routes or in the planned program according to the circumstances that occur, mainly meteorological.


Measurements and daily checks of certificates and safety may be carried out by the measurement committee on regatta days.


The Low Score System Appendix A4 of the RRV will apply.

Only the worst disposable score of the class that has closed 4 or more valid tests can be discarded.


ORC rankings will be established according to one of the following compensation systems:

For Cruise:

a) Composite route, and if not possible,

1) Applying the values specified in each certificate for Ocean PCS if the wind is stable.
2) Offshore OSN if there are large roles and oscillations in wind intensity.
All this always at the discretion of the regatta official, not admitting claims in this regard.
And for A Dos, always OSN applying its double handed section of the certificate

Class classifications will be established (provided that the provisions of points 4.2. and 4.3 are met).

Monotype classes will only qualify in real time.


The safety of the regatta is considered as Category 4, in accordance with the Special Rules of Regatta of the World Sailing (for one designs they will be specific to them).

The participants undertake to carry on board, under their responsibility, the updated regulatory documentation of the vessel, as well as the appropriate qualification for the management of the vessel and the navigation to be carried out.


The list of prizes will be exposed in the TOA in view of the participants and registered, before the start of the 1st test.


The boats formally registered in this regatta that do not belong to the MRCYB fleet, will have a free mooring or anchoring place (mooring under the exclusive responsibility of the owner or skipper) reserved in the MRCYB during the regatta days and until Saturday 5 may.


The Race Committee will use Channel 72 VHF for its communications during the events.

All participating boats must have an operational VHF radio receiver installed on board equipped with at least VHF channels 09 (156.450Mhz), 16 (156.800Mhz) and 72 (156.610Mhz).


The awards ceremony will take place on the terrace of the MRCYB once the general classifications of the tests have been published on May 1, 2018 (approximately 4:00 p.m.).

Scheduled social events:

SATURDAY 28 – 19:30 Gin & Tonic Tasting – Seafood Dinner
SUNDAY 29 – 7:30 p.m. Gin & Tonic Tasting – Seafood Dinner


All boats participating in the regatta do so at their own risk and responsibility.

The Monte Real Club de Yates, the organizing authority or any other person or body involved in the organization of the event, rejects any responsibility for loss, damage, injury or inconvenience that may occur to people or things, both on land and at sea, as consequence of participating in the tests covered by this Notice of Race.

Attention is drawn to the Fundamental Rule 4 DECISION TO RACE in part 1 of the RRS which states:

“It is the exclusive responsibility of a boat to decide whether to participate in a test or to continue racing”







Bayonne, March 1, 2018

Dear Friends:

This year we welcome the month of March in style, with the celebration of the festival of La Arribada, which this year is even more special as it commemorates the 525th anniversary of the arrival of La Pinta to our beloved town, bringing the new world news

As has become a tradition, Monte Real will participate in the festivities offering parallel activities, such as sailing trips to navigate the bay and enjoy the shows from the water. We also lower the price of moorings for all those who want to approach Baiona by sea.

And this year, in addition, we are organizing a commemorative regatta, the 525th Anniversary Regatta of the Arribada de la Pinta, which sailboats of the 6m class will compete on May 12 and 13.

We dedicate a prominent section of this latest newsletter to the Arribada, in which it shares the spotlight with the Comunica Trophy regatta announcement, the end of the Baitra Trophy, the evolution of the Infinitus Rent Trophy and the commitment of the General Secretary of Sport with our School Sailing Adapted.

Mount Royal Yacht Club






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2025 © Monte Real Club de Yates Baiona

Desarrollado por QUADRALIA

Subvención INEGA 2023
