80 elderly and disabled people sail with the Monte Real Yacht Club thanks to the Amaromar initiative

· The general director of Seniors and Persons with Disabilities today visited the facilities of the Baiona club with the participants of this initiative framed in the Active Lecer 2016 program of the Department of Social Policy

· In this first edition of Amaromar, 80 elderly and disabled people from residences and public centers in Monforte de Lemos, Castro Caldelas, O Carballiño and Caldas de Reis participate

· The Monte Real Club de Yates collaborates once again with the Xunta de Galicia to bring the sea closer to groups of people for whom the practice of nautical activities can lead to an improvement in their quality of life

The general director of Seniors and People with Disabilities, Coro Piñeiro, visited the facilities of the Monte Real Yacht Club this afternoon with the participants of Amaromar , an initiative promoted by the Department of Social Policy of the Xunta de Galicia within the framework of the program Lecer Active 2016 .

It is a proposal aimed at users of publicly owned residences in the interior of Galicia that seeks to help these people maintain an adequate level of personal and social well-being, so that they can continue to be an active part of society.

80 people participate in this first edition of Amaromar . Today was the turn of the public centers for the elderly in Monforte de Lemos, Castro Caldelas and O Carballiño; and tomorrow, users of the O Saiar occupational center for people with mental disabilities, located in Caldas de Reis, will arrive in Baiona. All of them are approaching the nautical world these days through the Monte Real Yacht Club, visiting the facilities of the Baiones club and sailing through the Bay of Baiona and the vicinity of the Cíes Islands.

In a playful and recreational way, the participants in the Amaromar come into direct contact with the sea, enjoy sailing around the bay and learn from the explanations offered by specialized monitors. The program also includes a meal on board a boat and a cultural tour of the fishing village of Baiona.

The General Director of Seniors and People with Disabilities, Coro Piñeiro, was very pleased to be able to count, once again, on the collaboration of the Monte Real Yacht Club for this type of initiative. For some time now, the Baionese club has been working hand in hand with the regional administration to bring the sea closer to all those people for whom carrying out nautical activities can improve their quality of life.

It does so on an occasional basis, in programs such as the Amaromar that takes place these days, but also throughout the year, taking sailing, through its Adapted Sailing School, people with physical, mental or intellectual disabilities from different groups and associations of Galicia.

During her visit to the Monte Real Yacht Club, the general director of the Xunta de Galicia was accompanied by the president and vice president of the club, José Luis Álvarez and Alejandro Retolaza; and by the Councilor for Social Welfare and Equality of the Baiona City Council, María del Carmen Paredes.
